This time I'm with you as a Guest Designer for Twofer Card Challenge. Darnell asked me to fill in for Marcia who was supposed to be GD but she became a member of the DT. I accepted this opportunity with pleasure.
Tema izziva je SADJE. Izdelati je treba dve različni voščilnici za
različna namena z enakim ustvarjalnim pripomočkom (štampiljko, rezalno
šablono, plastično šablono). Sama sem za svoja izdelka izbrala Sladko sadje Najlepšega para. Prva
voščilnica je za prijatelja, druga pa je praznična. Skupno obema sta
štampiljki in rezalni šabloni jabolka in hruške.
The theme of the
challenge is FRUIT. You have to create two different cards for two different
occasions with the same die, stamp or stencil. I crafted my cards with crafting
supplies from our Slovenian designer Tina Baša and her brand Najlepši par. I made
a friendship card and a Christmas card.
Prijavljam ju v februarsko galerijo Najlepšega para (Sladko sadje,
Praznična voščila, Pravokotniki s šivi, Kvadrati s
šivi, Snežak, Na poti)
Voščilnica prijateljstva
Friendship card
Za osnovo sem izbrala kvadrat izrezan iz belega akvarelnega papirja. Naključno sem senčila s svetlo modro distress blazinico in čez osenčen del položila plastično šablono z vzorcem blaga (Simon Says Stamp), ki sem jo senčila z enako barvo kot prej ozadje. Sadje sem odtisnila na beli akvarelni papir, pobarvala z distress blazinicami in izrezala s pripadajočimi šablonami. Liste in peclje sem senčila z rjavo in zeleno blazinico. Hruško in limono sem zalepila na osnovo z belim lepilom, jabolko pa sem malo privzdignila s 3D lepilno blazinico. Napis je od… ne vem koga, vem pa, da mi ga je podarila Renata. Zelo lepa misel o prijateljstvu, ki jo bom še velikokrat odtisnila. :-)
I cut a square from white aquarelle paper, shaded it with blue distress ink, over the shaded part I put a stencil that looks like fabric (Simon Say Stamp) and shaded it with the same color as the background. I stamped the fruit on aquarelle paper, colored it with distress inks and cut it out. The pear and lemon are glued directly on the base with white glue, the apple is glued with 3D sponge. For my non-Slovenian-speaking friends here is the translation of the sentiment: "Friends make beautiful moments more beautiful and bad moments easier". I will surely use this stamp many times in the future.
Voščilnico prijavljam na naslednje izzive:
- Craftalnica: Izziv #253: Povej z verzom
- Moving Along With The Times: Challenge 115: No image - sentiment/quote as focus to your card
- Day of the Month Card Club: #12 Send a Card to a Friend Day
Praznična voščilnica
Christmas card
Ideja za praznično voščilnico z nasmejanima
jabolkom in hruško je Tinina. Iz predlanske MŠPU. Že takrat sem bila
navdušena nad idejo. :-) Ozadje sem izdelala v smušing tehniki po navodilih,
ki nam jih je pokazala Vladka. Če bi bila terapevt, bi svojim pacientom
priporočala izdelavo takšnega ozadja kot sprostitveno tehniko. :-) Sebi pa to tehniko sproščanja lahko predpišem kadarkoli, čeprav nisem terapevt. Zato pa imam vedno kakšen pobarvan kartonček na zalogi. :-)
o osnovi, gremo dalje.
Jabolko in hruško sem odtisnila na bel papir,
jima »narisala« obraza in izrezala s pripadajočima šablonama. S
šablonama sem oba sadeža izrezala še enkrat iz dvostranske
lepilne folije in folijo zalepila na pripravljeno sadje. Odstranila sem
zgornji del folije in nanjo potresla bele bleščice. Na podlago sem jih
stisnila s pomočjo peki papirja, ki je idealni pripomoček za tako
delikatne operacije, saj se nanj nič ne prime.
Uporabljajo pa jo tudi mojstrice kot je Tina. Torej je zadeva preizkušena. :-)
Kapi sta sta iz setov Snežak in Na poti. Sadje sem zataknila
za kupček »snega«, kamor sem odtisnila napis. Vsi uporabljeni
ustvarjalni pripomočki na tej voščilnici so od Najlepšega para.
I found the idea with
the smiling pear and apple on Tina's blog (Najlepši par). It's from a holiday
idea from 2 years ago. I was excited about the idea the moment I saw it but it
took me some time to craft it myself.
The background is done
in smooshing technique with a lot of different distress inks like Vladka taught
us a few years ago. If I were a therapist, I would prescribe making backgrounds
with smooshing technique as relaxation therapy. :-) For myself I can prescribe this
therapy whenever I want, although I'm not a therapist. This is the reason why I
always have these backgrounds in stock in my craft room.
Enough smooshing, let us move on and
finish the card.
I have stamped the pear
and the apple with smiling faces and cut them out. Then I cut out the same fruits
from a foil which has glue on both sides, glued one part on the fruit and added
white glitter on the other side. I added Santa’s
hats and put fruits on snow. The only thing missing now
was the sentiment: Happy Holidays and a New Year full of wonderful moments. All
craft supplies used on this card are from Najlepši par.
Voščilnico prijavljam na
- Izziv pri ArtMBR februar 2020: Zima in/ali ljubezen, Valentinovo
- Challenge up your life: Challenge #120: Winterlandschaft/Winter Scene
I invite you to dig out any fruit you can find in your long forgotten stash or use your newest craft supplies, craft two cards and join us for the Twofer Card Challenge in February. You will find a lot of inspiration from the lovely and talented ladies of the designer team.
Lep pozdrav do naslednjič! :-)
Until next time! :-)
32 komentarjev:
Čudoviti sta! Sadje se prav lepo praznično blešči, pri prvi mi je pa strašno všeč prt! Se podpišem pod ustvarjalno terapijo :)!
čestitke za gostovanje, več kot zasluženo, ker si legendarna s svojim sadjem, izziv ne bi mogel biti bolj pravi zate.
bravo tudi za tokratni izvedbi, kako različni voščilnici sta in res super tehike! ta stencil je vau, sem jo že gledala, prav tako pa tvoje ozadje na drugi!
Le kje si našla vsaj košček zasnežene pokrajine za drugo voščilnico?? :) Zanimiva ideja in lepa voščilnica.
Ja, v teh dneh je fajn, če si privoščimo čimveč sadja.
Že lani se spomnim si cuprala s tem sadjem in je izpadlo perfektno...letos si ga samo še nadgradila...pocukrala in posipala z bleščicami, na drugi pa pobarvala kot velika!!!!! Bravo!!!
Čestitke za gostovanje. Prav občudujem tvoje ideje s sadjem. Za mene je sadje sadje in ne bi prišla na idejo, da z njim naredim praznično voščilnico. Vsa čast pa tudi za obe prekrasni ozadji. Bravo!
Your two different designs make for sweet cards Sonja, and thank you for joining us as guest designer for Twofer Card Challenge #24!
Oh Sonja, these are so cute. I love the faces on the pears with their Santa hats. That is so fun and different. That is a beautiful background made with the plaid stencil and soft blue.
Your card is beautiful. I like the simple design of the background, the fruits come into their own very well.
And the sentence is very true !!
Thank you for joining with us at DotMCC. Gundi
Dobro namestnico je našla tale Marcie in izkazala si se s svojimi gostujočimi izdelki. To ja, sadje za praznike, pa bi se malo manj redili. Kar šprica od sočnosti. Ta vikend sva pa uporabljali isto štampiljko. Hvala, da si malo prazničnih vitaminov prinesla tudi v mojo galerijo, da virusi ne bodo imeli nobene možnosti.
Congratulations on guesting and what fabulous cards you've made. Great design and layout on your first card and such a fun and creative idea on the second smooshed card x.
Thank you so much for stepping in as our Guest Designer for February, Sonja! You did a brilliant job with your two FRUIT card designs! I love the plaid stencil on your first card. It's a fabulous background for your delicious trio of fruits! And you did a fun CASE of Tina's card for your second design! I love the sky and the frosty faces on your pears with their Santa hats!! Hugs, Darnell
Čestitke za gostjo in posebne čestitke za prekrasni voščilnici. Ja, sadja nikoli ni preveč, še posebej če izgleda tako slastno kot tvoje. Božično sadje je še dodatna odlična ideja. Objem, Veana
Najprej čestitke za GDT! Tokrat si me sezula z objavo in sploh ne vem katera verzija mi je bolj všeč - tradicionalno sadje deluje realno-bi pasalo sedaj za zajtrk, praznična pa je tako navihana in bleščeča na WAW ozadju... Sonja - obvladaš!
Ti znaš pa sadje tako super uporabit in vedno se "nosi" priložnosti primerno😊. Lep pozdrav Andreja
Čudovito sladki sta obe...tisto ozadje se tako lepo poda k sadju. Tvoj terapevtski zapis me je pa nasmejal...ja, res super, da imamo naša zdravila vedno na dosegu roke :-)))
Odlično si uporabila sadje. Obe voščilnici sta nadvse simpatični. Krasno si senčila sadje. Lp
Krasno uporabljeno sadje. Vitaminčki so super :)
Beautiful and clever! The gingham stencil gives such a soft look on your friendship card, and the fruit people on your Christmas card are adorable!
Kako prikupni voščilnici! Hvala, ker z verzom sodeluješ pri CRAFT-alnici
Tudi meni je resnično všeč ideja s sadjem. Čudovito si ustvarjala.
You really did a fabulouse Twofer, Sonja! What a brilliant idea to dress two of the fruits as Santas, and the stencilled background on your first card is really quite effective! Thank you so much for playing along with us at DotMCC. Rosi x
Congrats on being a guest designer at Twofer! Just love both your cards - gorgeous stenciling behind the fruit on card one and I love your Santa fruits on card two!!
What a wonderful Twofer, Sonja! Those beautifully coloured fresh fruits look as though they're ready to eat, displayed on that crisp picnic cloth! Gorgeous background sky for your festive, shimmery fruits ... such a fun idea ... they look so sweet in their Santa hats! Thanks so much for inspiring our players as our Guest Designer at Twofer! Hugs, Anita :)
Two wonderful fruit cards, Sonja! Any friend would cherish that friendship card and I love the winter sky with your happy Christmas fruits! Thank you so much for being our guest designer at the Twofer Card Challenge!
Wow, two amazing cards.
Čudovita sadna solata je tole, malo poletna in malo zamrznjena.
Hvala, da si se nam pridružila pri ustvarjanju za Craft-alnico. Lp Goga
Super si uporabila sadje na dva načina in naredila krasni čestitki :-))
Vesela sem, ker s sodeluješ na našem izzivu CRAFT-alnice.
Loving your twofer cards, they are so creative! Hugs, Brenda
Congrats being Guest Designer for Darnell, your twofer cards are fabulous. The background on your first looks like a table cloth for your fruit to sit. I love the sweet cuddling fruit all ready for Christmas and the sparkle gives a nice wintry feel. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and taking time to leave a kind comment, it's very much appreciated x
Hello… Thanks for sharing your lovely card with ‘Moving Along with the Times Challenge Blog’. Hope you can join us next month for our new challenge and good luck in the draw. Diane Louise (Team Leader) xx
What an awesome Twofer! Thank you so much for also playing along with us at DotMCC! Hugs, Cornelia
I love your two fruity cards Sonya! The glittery apple and pear wearing santa hats are adorable with their cute smiles and I totally agree with you about smooshing backgrounds for therapy!! The friendship sentiment is lovely and I love the way you made the background for that card too. Vicky x
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